ars technica hat das 2008er keynote bingo gepostet, es ist also nicht mehr lang hin zur MWSF am 15.
remarkable ig nobel pize winners:
Mathematics, 1994: Presented to The Southern Baptist Church of Alabama, mathematical measurers of morality, for their county-by-county estimate of how many Alabama citizens will go to Hell if they don't repent.
Public Health, 1996: Presented to Ellen Kleist of Nuuk, Greenland and Harald Moi of Oslo, Norway, for their cautionary medical report "Transmission of Gonorrhea Through an Inflatable Doll."
Literature 1998: Presented to Dr. Mara Sidoli of Washington, DC, for her illuminating report, "Farting as a Defence Against Unspeakable Dread".
Chemistry, 1999: Presented to Takeshi Makino, president of The Safety Detective Agency in Osaka, Japan, for his involvement with S-Check, an infidelity detection spray that wives can apply to their husbands' underwear.
Managed Health Care, 1999: Presented to George Blonsky and Charlotte Blonsky of New York City and San Jose, California, for inventing a device (U.S. Patent 3,216,423 ) to aid women in giving birth -- the woman is strapped onto a circular table, and the table is then rotated at high speed.
Peace, 2000: Presented to The British Royal Navy, for ordering its sailors to stop using live cannon shells, and to instead just shout "Bang!"
Interdisciplinary Research, 2003: Presented to Stefano Ghirlanda, Liselotte Jansson, and Magnus Enquis of Stockholm University, for their inevitable report "Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans."
Biology, 2004: Presented to Ben Wilson of the University of British Columbia, Lawrence Dill of Simon Fraser University, Canada, Robert Batty of the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Magnus Whalberg of the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and Håkan Westerberg of Sweden's National Board of Fisheries, for showing that herrings apparently communicate by farting.
Peace, 2007: The Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, for suggesting the research and development of a "gay bomb," which would cause enemy troops to become sexually attracted to each other.
barbie mit pferd und zubehör.
verstösst das nicht gegen die genfer menschenrechtskonvention? ich denke schon.
tausende lässige wörter sammelt seit jahren die > wortwarte
eins ist mir allerdings aufgefallen: der vorlaufpuffer fehlt noch
am samstag, den 29.12.07 ist auf fm4 von 17 bis 01 uhr 2007on45. wer sich das nicht aufnimmt, oder wenigstens anhört ist ein IDIOT!