.. yeah, whatever
2008-07-14 - -
rbrthmr, 09:05h
-- hello austria. --

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2008-07-13 - -
hr, 21:13h
-- msk. --
Sufjan Stevens: Chicago

you came to take us all things go, all things go to recreate us all things grow, all things grow we had our mindset all things know, all things know you had to find it all things go, all things go

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2008-07-11 - -
rbrthmr, 10:10h
-- computr. --
(Command timed out)

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2008-07-08 - -
hr, 19:05h
-- computr. --

The Greatest Bug of All

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2008-06-27 - -
rbrthmr, 20:50h
-- a picture. --

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rbrthmr, 20:37h
-- in life future. --

morgen linuxwochen in linz:

zwei interessante vorträge: Javascript - Liebe auf den 2ten Blick? (Stephan Pötschner) und Helma - Javascript am Server (Anton Pirker)

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rbrthmr, 19:42h
-- awwwesome. --

ein mann und sein auto kämpfen gegen das unrecht

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2008-06-25 - -
rbrthmr, 21:51h

wer hat (oder hatte) bei microsoft immer die hosen an? dieser typ anscheinend nicht.


Let me give you my experience from yesterday.

I decided to download (Moviemaker) and buy the Digital Plus pack ... so I went to Microsoft.com. They have a download place so I went there.


I tried scoping to Media stuff. Still no moviemaker. I typed in movie. Nothing. I typed in movie maker. Nothing.

So I gave up and sent mail to Amir saying - where is this Moviemaker download? Does it exist?

So they told me that using the download page to download something was not something they anticipated.


aus einem internen mail über die schwierigkeiten eines microsoft benutzers software zu installieren.

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2008-06-15 - -
rbrthmr, 17:17h
-- a picture. --

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rbrthmr, 17:16h
-- a picture. --

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rbrthmr, 17:16h
-- a picture. --

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rbrthmr, 17:16h
-- a picture. --

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2008-06-11 - -
rbrthmr, 05:37h
-- lo-live. --

déjà vu

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2008-06-06 - -
rbrthmr, 19:58h

Heute, unbedingt anschaun:

Das Wunder von Wien - Wir sind Europameister Freitag 6.6., auf ORF1, 22.35.

Eine fiktionale Dokumentation (45 Minuten) Buch: Fred Schreiber Regie: David Schalko Produzent: John Lueftner

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2008-06-05 - -
rbrthmr, 18:05h
-- AAPL. --

2008 WWDC Keynote Bingo

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2008-05-28 - -
rbrthmr, 09:23h
-- echtzeit. --

If you've got the money I think it would be funny-oh-o

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rbrthmr, 07:23h
-- lo-live. --

i think different

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rbrthmr, 06:24h
-- in life past. --

Brutal New York - 1965/95

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2008-05-25 - -
rbrthmr, 23:06h
-- a picture. --

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2008-05-24 - -
rbrthmr, 10:00h
-- msk. --


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