.. yeah, whatever
-- msk. --

... To weather the rain To weather the snow To weather the storm ...

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-- msk. --

Lately I just can't seem to believe Discard my friends to change the scenery It meant the world to hold a bruising faith But now it's just a matter of grace

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-- msk. --

'Cause I am afraid of the light
yeah you know what I mean
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
and you know what I mean.

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-- msk. --

Art Brut, "Lost Weekend" (dir Alex de Campi) from alex de campi on Vimeo.

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-- msk. --

But you played it You played it. You played it. You played it to the beat.

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-- msk. --

TOP 5 2010

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-- lo-live. --

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-- msk. --

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-- lo-live. --

There was a boy who ran away from what he didn't know And whom he wouldn't say he just had to go


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-- lo-live. --

déjà vu

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-- lo-live. --

i think different

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-- lo-live. --

a n g e r

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-- lo-live. --

Three out of five, three out of five Six out of ten Better luck next time

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-- lo-live. --

Yeah Yeah YeahsTurn Into

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-- lo-live. --

.. be that way shouldn't be that way just sing sing in here just sing sing in here could this be one of those questions that you never seem to answer honestly .. HerbertBirds of a Feather

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-- lo-live. --

And I sang
Oh, What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
What do I do without you?

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-- lo-live. --

i wanted to type 'i love you'

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-- lo-live. --

kann mir das hier jemand erklären?

edit - schon besser:

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-- lo-live. --

HA supppa weihnachtsgeschenk gefunden. ..

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-- lo-live. --

.. ... .. ...... ...... .......

..... ..... .... .... ... .. ..... ........ ... ... ..... ..... ....... ... .... ... ... .. ....... ......... ... .... ... ... .........?


scheisse. gehn wir bowlen.

wenn ich nur könnt.

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