.. yeah, whatever

Friedrich II. fiel ein Werk von Diderot in die Hände. Er stieß sogleich auf folgende Worte: den jungen Leuten gewidmet ... Daraufhin schlug er das Buch zu, denn er verstand, dass es nicht für ihn bestimmt war.

  • Prince de Ligne

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“But there’s some stuff in our industry that we wouldn’t be proud to ship. And we just can’t do it. We can’t ship junk. There are thresholds we can’t cross because of who we are.”

  • Steve Jobs

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golf cart one

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“It's like giving a glass of ice water to somebody in hell”

  • Steve Jobs on giving iTunes to Windows users

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Searching for love is easier when you have a big penis try Penis Enlarge Patch.

-- anonymous spammer

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ich kann nicht aus meiner haut heraus, auch wenn sie immer grösser wird.

-- klaus eberhartinger

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"But success is a level of violence where the people feel comfortable about living their daily lives, and that's what we're trying to achieve."

-- George W. Bush

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A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion but doesn't.

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Tradition is the Handing on of Fire, not the Worship of Ashes

- Gustav Mahler

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